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Our Growth

When The Peak opened in 2010, we worshipped 77 people at one service. Fifteen years later, we’re averaging 664 adults, children and youth across three in-person and online services!

In general, our approach to growth has stayed the same. Yes, we always want our church to grow, especially if it means we are getting healthier, stronger, and providing a home for the increasing amount of people who find themselves without a church family. That being said, our goal is to always grow responsibly. The saying that we repeat around here is “as we grow bigger, let’s grow smaller.” Meaning, as our church expands, you can be confident that we will create/strengthen ministries to help our members find and stay connected (i.e. men’s/women’s ministries, community dinners, small groups, etc.).

Based on our growth history (and without even considering the stats above), The Peak anticipates significant growth over the coming years. Currently, 450+ people enter our church doors each week. That number is expected to grow to 558 in 2025 and 1,056 in 2030.

Hear why the Asfourys are supporting Making Room!

The Plan

In early 2023, The Peak’s staff and leadership met with an architectural firm to discuss options for expansion. We focused on three areas:

  • Adding a building where the playground currently resides to house our K-5 children’s programming.
  • Renovating and repurposing the current K-5 classrooms for our youth group, which encompasses middle and high school students.
  • Widening our sanctuary on both sides to add more space for Sunday worship.

Children’s Wing

Our proposed children’s wing will add 4,585 square feet of space dedicated for our smallest disciples. In our current configuration, we have to combine kindergarten through second grades and third through fifth grades due to a lack of space. Our new addition will allow each grade level to have their own designated room. Our children will be able to learn in an environment catered to them and their developmental level.

Finally, with this expansion, the children’s check-in station will be relocated to the new building, which will reduce foot traffic and double the amount of space in our current lobby for coffee, connection, and fellowship between services.

Hear why the Williamsons are supporting Making Room!

Youth Space

Right now, our youth ministry at The Peak must be creative in how they organize themselves on Sunday nights. Currently, they use a “set-up and tear-down” approach in which they repurpose our lobby and sanctuary to create a space that is conducive for friendship, games, activities and teaching. This renovation will change that.

The classrooms that are currently occupied by our children’s ministry (the wing closest to Salem Street) will be renovated for our middle and high school students. These multifunctional rooms will offer adequate space for both social and spiritual activities, including additional space for youth Sunday School.

Sanctuary Expansion

To house more people in worship, we will expand our sanctuary approximately eight feet on each side. By enclosing both patio-like areas, we will add about 80 chairs to the sanctuary. When you multiply that over three services, that is nearly 240 more seats for adults looking for a church home!

Hear why the Sinks are supporting Making Room!

Important Information and Links

As you prayerfully consider participating in this effort, here is some important information to keep in mind…

  • Duration of the campaign: We believe it will take three years to gather these funds without overly burdening the congregation.
  • Timeline: We are launching this campaign to our full congregation in Spring 2025, with the hope that those gifts will begin arriving in June 2025. This means the campaign would conclude in June 2028.
  • Breaking ground: An official building start date has not been determined. The capital campaign firm that we hired to assist us with this project suggests that churches wait to break ground until 50% of funds have been acquired.
  • Cost: We obtained cost estimates from trusted architects and contractors. They believe the sum for all the improvements listed here is between $2.5 and $2.7 million.
  • Investment: Understanding that projections could change, at the current rate of The Peak’s growth, we expect that this expansion will provide enough space for mission and ministry until at least 2032.