Kyle Meier
Lead Pastor
“It has been said that pastors have a tendency to create the type of church they needed growing up. Well, I did not grow up in church. I was largely disillusioned with faith. So, when I started following Jesus, the places and relationships I sought after were those that allowed me to ask hard questions, wrestle with my doubts, and ultimately walk alongside other people who dared to be real with God and each other. Quite frankly, that is why The Peak felt like home. Here, we not only say our mission is “welcoming people who feel disconnected…” (whether that is from God, from others, or from ourselves even)…we try really hard to live it.”
Kyle is husband to Marie and dad to Wrenn and Everett. Kyle grew up in a military family and lived all over. When he’s not doing ministry. he is enjoying the outdoors playing soccer, basketball, or running, hiking and camping.
Kyle received his undergraduate degree from Indiana Wesleyan University and his Master of Divinity degree from Duke Divinity School.

Katie Distefano Culpepper
Associate Pastor of Discipleship and Care
Whether you’re trying church for the first time or you’ve been a life-long Christian, The Peak is a place where you can bring your whole self–doubts and questions and hardships and all–and be welcomed exactly as you are. This is not the kind of church that pretends to have all the answers, but it is the kind of church that will journey alongside you as we grow in faith together as disciples of Jesus Christ.”
Katie and her husband, Thomas, are both North Carolina natives. When not she’s not doing ministry, you can find Katie dancing, hiking, lifting weights, or spending time outside enjoying the sunshine.
Katie received her undergraduate degree in Dramatic Art and Linguistics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She received her Master of Divinity degree from Duke Divinity School.

Julie Linville
Executive Director
“I was a member of The Peak before I began working here, and from the beginning, I’ve loved that The Peak truly stands by its mission. If you’ve been disconnected from church and God, we really welcome you, your questions and your doubts.”
Julie is married to Greg and has two human children, two cats, a dog and a bearded dragon! She was born and raised in Cheerwine country, but has lived in the Triangle for more than 25 years. She was previously a corporate ladder climber, but left that world when she realized that a large paycheck does not equal greater happiness. Julie loves reading, listening to podcasts, bingeing great TV and serving on the board of Peak Beginnings. She is a proud LGBTQ+ ally and strives to be equitable to all.
Julie received her undergraduate degree in Mass Communications (Broadcasting) from UNC-Chapel Hill and her Master’s degree in Survey Research from the University of Connecticut.

Kyle Miller
Worship Director
“I love The Peak because it is a church where we can be—worshipping and serving together as broken, perfect, beloved creations of God. The Peak is a thoughtful and intentional church that I am grateful to be a part of.”
Kyle is married to Catey. He grew up in Boone, NC, went to college in Wilmington and lived there six additional years before coming to The Peak. Kyle loves progressive rock, major league baseball, and his two dogs, Pax and Lola. In addition to leading worship at The Peak Church, Kyle is an academic tutor and a struggling fantasy baseball manager. Check out the album Seasons Unfold by his band Giant Friends wherever you listen to music.
Kyle received undergraduate degrees in Music and Math from UNC-Wilmington.

Daniel Brown
Youth & Missions Director
“I love The Peak because instead of focusing on how to be a perfect Christian, we focus on God’s love for us, including our imperfections. I am passionate about walking beside parents as we navigate the amazing challenge of raising children.”
Daniel is a Raleigh native who loves adventure and new things, and he will try (almost) anything once! He loves to sing, having led an a capella group.
Daniel received his undergraduate degree in music technology from UNC-Wilmington.

Brittany Akouala
Executive Assistant
Brittany is the wife to Jerry and mother to Benjamin and Amelia. She is a life-long North Carolinian, and was a stay-at-home parent just prior to arriving at The Peak. She often refers to herself as the Chief Operating Officer or COO of her home. Prior to exiting the workplace, she served as a certified rehabilitation counselor assisting persons with disabilities in obtaining employment. In her spare time, she enjoys working out, completing Sudoku puzzles, reading, making memories with her family, Friday nights viewing 20/20, and, of course, the typical unnerving crime documentary.
Brittany received her undergraduate degree in Political Science from Elon University and her Masters degree in Mental Health Counseling from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. She has attended The Peak Church with her family since April 2022.

Christina Harris
Finance Director
Christina is a Triangle native! She loves Starbucks, cooking and her three furry children: Rowan the horse, Pongo the dog, and Teeny the cat.
Christina is an employee of Trinity Concepts and is contracted by the church to perform financial services. She received her undergraduate degree in accounting from NC State University.