The United Methodist Church uses a leadership structure that heavily incorporates church members in its strategy and decision-making. The following members of our church were nominated and accepted the invitation to serve in a leadership role.
Leadership Team Chair
One of the values of our church is to ensure we are being led by both a pastor and lay leadership. The role of the Leadership Team Chair is to work with the Peak Pastor to support, strategize and organize ministries in accordance with our mission of “Welcoming all who feel disconnected.” The Leadership Team Chair leads our monthly Peak Leadership meetings that occur every 3rd Monday of the month.

Randall Lague
Our secretary takes notes and records the results of team votes at all Steering Team meeting and Charge Conferences.

Christine Asfoury
Trustees Committee
All buildings and property owned by our church are to be understood as a tool for ministry and instruments of God’s Kingdom. Thus, the role of the Trustees Committee is to ensure our facility is in good working order and being used in alignment with our mission. Additionally, the Trustees provide minor repairs and input into any changes/renovations made to the building.

Ben Copeland

Jim Stella
All gifts given to support the mission and ministry of our church are monitored by our Finance Team. The job of the Finance Committee is to ensure that our budget for the year reflects our mission and our Kingdom values we hold as a church. They also provide reports on giving throughout the year, meet with any individual in our church who has questions about the budget, and make recommendations to any major capital campaign projects.

Bryan Deaton

David Jones
As mentioned above, our desire is to empower lay leaders to use their strengths and gift sets to serve within the local church. The committee that ensures we do that faithfully is our Nominations Committee whose role is to identify, train, and empower lay members of our congregations to serve on ministry teams and lay leadership positions.

Mark Moorman

Laurie Stella
Staff-Parish Relations Committee
Given that we are a church led by both staff and laity, our SPRC Committee ensures that communication is happening effectively between those two parties. SPRC is also the committee that hires new staff, creates job development plans, and evaluates the needs of our church if any new positions were to be considered.

Meredith McGee

Julie Thomas
At-Large Member