Western Wake Crisis Ministry
WWCM helps our neighbors when they are in need of food, financial assistance, job search assistance and basic health screenings. You can help by donating food in the bin in our lobby, volunteering in the food pantry, or providing financial counseling or job search assistance. Volunteers receive training.

Bike Ministry
We accept donations of used bikes year-round and then hold workdays at the church where members fix, wash, and test ride the bikes so that they can be ridden again. Adults and children can volunteer together! Donate or receive a bike on second Sunday of each month from 12:30-1:30 pm. If you are interested in donating or receiving bikes, contact bikes@thepeakchurch.org.

Semillas de Unidad (Seeds of Unity)
Semillas provides tutoring for children in grades K through 8 on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. The children are fluent in English, so you do not have to speak Spanish to volunteer. Volunteers receive training. Contact: denisse@fiestacristiana.org

Habitat for Humanity
The Peak will partner with Habitat for Humanity in Wake and Johnston counties to work on a new home development in Garner, about 30 minutes from The Peak. Tasks may vary based on weather, construction progress and other factors. No construction skills are required, nor are you required to bring your own tools. Skilled supervision will be on site. More info will be available closer to these dates. Contact: Phil Welch

Mental Health Ministry
The Peak Church works to eliminate barriers to mental health support, improve access to information for affected youths, peers, and families, and build strong peer support. Contact: The Peak’s Mental Health Ministry