Lent Study: Seven Words

Every Wednesday Mar 12 thru Apr 9 
6:30-7:30 pm
The Peak Church

When people are nearing death, their final words are often poignant. Whether they offer reassurance or instructions for the future, the last words of the dying almost always aim to communicate deep love for the people closest to them. As we draw near to Jesus’ death, the idea of spending six weeks at the cross —  a place of sorrow, suffering, and shame — may seem daunting. It’s tempting to want to skip from the joy of waving palm branches to shouting alleluia on Easter morning. But the truth is that, as people often do on their deathbeds, Jesus speaks and shows his deepest love for us on the cross. This Lent we will dive deep into the last words Jesus spoke before his death. Using Susan Robb’s book Seven Words: Listening to Christ from the Cross as our guide, we will explore how Jesus’ final words demonstrate his deep love for us and offer us instructions for life as his disciples.

Next Steps

Sunday, March 30
3:00-5:00 pm
The Peak Sanctuary

Next Steps is a class for those who are ready to become members of our church. Here, we will explore the mission, vision and values of our congregation. Furthermore, we will discuss ways for you/your family to help make the mission and ministries possible around here!

The class will end with a short service of membership, whereby you will be invited to make vows expressing your commitment to both God and the church. If you have taken a Next Steps Class in the past but did not join then, you can let us know in your registration that you will be arriving at 4:45 pm for the membership service only. 

**If you need childcare, register your children, too!

JOY Potluck

Sunday, April 6
12:15 pm
The Peak’s Lobby

Join JOY for a potluck at The Peak! JOY (Just Older Youth) is a social group for Peak adults who danced to music in the 60s, 70s and 80s, BEFORE they were considered oldies! JOY is for you regardless of whether or not you are already in a small group. Have questions? Contact Sandra Webb at webbsgnc@gmail.com

Prayer Labyrinth

April 14-17
Times Vary
The Peak Church

Want to deepen your spiritual disciplines this Lent? During Holy Week, a prayer labyrinth will be available in the sanctuary for self-guided walking meditation. The labyrinth is an active yet meditative prayer practice that serves as a metaphor for life. In life and in the labyrinth, we don’t know where the path will take us. We don’t foresee the twists and turns that the future holds, but we know that the path leads us to the center: God.

This is a self-guided event. Drop by at your convenience! There will be materials available to guide your labyrinth walk when you arrive. The sanctuary will be open for you to walk the labyrinth:

Monday 4/14 10:00 am-2:00 pm
Tuesday 4/15 10:00 am-2:00 pm
Wednesday 4/16 10:00 am-2:00 pm and 5:00-8:00 pm
Thursday 4/17 10:00 am-2:00 pm

Good Friday Service

Friday, April 18
7 pm
The Peak Church

Join us for our Good Friday worship service as we remember Christ’s sacrificial love.

Easter Services

Saturday, April 19 and Sunday, April 20
Times Vary
The Peak Church

We are excited to offer five Easter services this year, with a twist! This year, in addition to four services on Sunday, we will offer a Saturday evening service. We hope that this additional worship opportunity will enable us to better serve everyone who wants to worship with us this Easter.

  • Saturday, April 19, 5:00 pm – This is a great service to attend if you would like to have a slower morning with family on Sunday! This service will be identical to our latter three services on Sunday, with a full slate of music and communion.
  • Sunday, April 20, 6:15 am – Sunrise Service – This will be a shorter service with acoustic music as we watch the sun rise from inside our sanctuary. Communion will be served.
  • Sunday, April 20, 8:30 am – This service will feature a full slate of music and communion.
  • Sunday, April 20, 10:00 am – This service will feature a full slate of music and communion.
  • Sunday, April 20, 11:30 am – This service will feature a full slate of music and communion.


Learn more about what you can expect at our Easter services here.

Baptisms and Baptism Reaffirmations

Sunday, May 18
The Peak Church

Baptism is a significant marker in our Christian journey. It is the moment we not only affirm our commitment to Jesus, but it is a chance to celebrate God’s unconditional love for us!

If you or a member of your family is interested in being baptized for the first time OR maybe you are interested in reaffirming your baptism from an earlier age, register using the link below and we will be in touch soon! We are really excited to celebrate this moment with you!

Bike Ministry Donations

Second Sunday of Each Month
Noon – 1 pm
The Peak Church Parking Lot

If you need a bike or want to donate a bike, come to this monthly event. If you have questions, email bikes@thepeakchurch.org.

Card Ministry

Third Saturday Each Month
The Peak Church
Join fellow church members each third Saturday of the month in creating and making cards. The contact for this group is Lori Spitzfaden.