For centuries, the church has mobilized and commissioned missionaries to every corner of the world. While some of us will go somewhere to serve, most of us are being called to STAY and serve. But, there are so many great organizations out there; how do you choose which one to serve? Now through February 26, we will help you answer that question! You’ll take a simple assessment regarding your gifts, skills and passions, then our program leaders will be in touch with you to best determine how you can help in your neighborhood. You can be God’s hands and feet in your own backyard!

For years, we have asked ourselves this question:
If The Peak closed today, would the community notice? Would they care?
We want the answer to be yes! We want to make such a noticeable commitment to Apex and southwest Wake County that we are missed if we cease to exist.
With that in mind, we launched “Peak of Good Neighboring,” a year-long campaign designed to get our church members out in the community and make an impact, in 2017. We took meals to people working retail jobs on Thanksgiving. We set up lemonade stands with proceeds going to UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief. We took breakfast to teachers at Salem Elementary. We participated in hurricane clean-up and home repair efforts. But after a year, we continued looking for ways to make a difference in our area. So, we pick up trash surrounding Jordan Lake. We hold community-wide events, such as our Fall Carnival and Ashes to Go. We participate in Apex Pride Fest and Free Mom Hugs. We collect and repair bikes to be used locally and abroad for fun and transportation, resulting in thousands of bikes being given a new home.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg. We are excited to commission missionaries to go out into the community and do even more good. And, we hope you’ll join us!

- April 6: Deadline to sign up
- March 16 – April 13: Individual meetings with program leads
- April 27: Commissioning Service
- April 28: Assignment begins
- Serve once per month between May and December
The Neighborhood Missionary Program is led by Peak members Becki Leeland and Jessica Nance.

Becki Leeland

Jessica Nance