As a United Methodist Church in Apex, NC,
The Peak Church exists to gather those who feel disconnected to encounter a compassionate God so that we can grow in faith and transform our communities.
Now, let’s break that down!
The Peak Church exists to gather those who feel disconnected… The Peak Church was founded in 2010 with the understanding that the Church as a whole has left many feeling excluded, wounded or perhaps intimidated. You may not be sure what you believe, or if there really is a God. And that’s OK. Here, you are safe to express your questions, your doubts and we will do our best to seek understanding alongside you.
…to encounter a compassionate God… In so many churches, God is someone to be afraid of. When, in fact, the Bible paints a very different picture of God. One that is relentlessly forgiving, merciful, and compassionate toward each and every child of God.

…so that we can grow our faith… No one is born a “fully formed” Christian. All of us have work to do when it comes to our faith. We all need to study, pray and be in community with one another, learning from one another (Hebrews 10:24-25). It isn’t uncommon for you to sit next to someone who is trying church for the first time and another who was raised in faith. We believe this is the Church at its best!
and transform our communities. While attending church on Sunday can be an important part of your faith, that is precisely what it is – one piece of your faith puzzle. The bible instructs us to go into our communities and serve those we meet (James 2:14-17). We do that in multiple ways, such as our Neighborhood Missionary Program and our partnership with Help One Now.
Ok, I’m interested. Now what?
Our hope is that every person who gives our community a try will experience the following stages in their spiritual journey.
*Note: they might not occur in this precise order.

Step 1: Connect to God and Others
Romans 15:7
Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you.
You can’t have a mission statement that says you want people to feel connected without providing opportunities to do so. The following are some pathways to finding community with God and others: Visit a worship service, attend a Next Steps Class, participate in a social event, follow us on Social Media, Sign up for our eNews, Join our Facebook Virtual Lobby.

Step 2: Grow in Knowledge and Faith
2 Peter 3:18
You must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
However, once you get connected, that is only the start. We also want to help you deepen your knowledge of God through the following: Join a Small Group, Take one of our classes, and more!

Step 3: Be Empowered to Serve
1 Peter 4:10
God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
The other responsibility we have as a church is to help you discover the gifts God has given you. Moreover, our mission needs all of us to serve in a variety of ways: coffee team, greeters, worship band, scripture readers, sound/AV team, children’s ministry team, youth ministry team, care team, and more!

Step 4: Go Out and Multiply
Matthew 28:19-20
Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Finally, a well-balanced faith isn’t just focused on consuming, but extending God’s grace into the world. Which is why we hope you will tell others about your faith with you words and your acts of service. Some of our mission teams working in the community are: Western Wake Crisis Ministry, Habitat for Humanity, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, creating relationships through Yokefellow Prison Ministry, learning to be an ally within the Mental Health Ministry, Join the Bike Ministry, and more!