The Peak began its Mental Health Ministry in 2019 to focus on mental and behavioral health issues among middle school and high school youths in our community. Since then, our goal has expanded to help serve all persons of faith remove the stigma around this conversation and explore ways that our faith might be a supplement, not a substitute, to the incredible resources out there for you.
We hope you find this information helpful and if you know of other resources that we ought to consider adding to this page, please send them to communications@thepeakchurch.org.
Suicide Prevention
Let’s be honest, the church has a complicated history with talking about severe depression and suicidal ideation. If these are realities for you, please know this in no way indicates a “lack of faith.” In fact, for a more comprehensive conversation on suicidal ideation found in the Bible, check out our sermon on Suicide and Mental Illness.
Additionally, we have a separate page dedicated to information and resources on Suicide Prevention.
Counseling Resources for Families and Individuals
Locally, our primary therapy partner is Triangle Pastoral Counseling. For more than 40 years, TPC has provided integrative psychotherapy and pastoral counseling from a strengths-based perspective. Founded in 1975, they specialize in general therapy for all ages, and our highly-trained staff serve a diverse range of clients. They maintain national accreditation within a national network of counseling centers, and have four locations throughout the Triangle. Please contact them today if you would like to be referred to one of their clinicians.
Mental Health Resources for Families and Individuals
National Alliance on Mental Illness 800-950-NAMI
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 800-662-HELP (4357)
Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988
Hopeline-nc.org call/text 919-231-4525 / 877-235-4525
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we compiled a list of tips set forth by mental health professionals for combatting mental illness. Most of which are still applicable today.
(You can click on the picture for a larger/save-able version.)