Coming June 2025!
Coming April 2025!

In the same way that we eat a balanced diet to care for our bodies, we also need a balanced spiritual diet to care for our souls. In our busy lives, some of us have been consuming too much spiritual fast food, relying on quick and easy spiritual disciplines while avoiding ones that challenge our faith to grow. Some of us have become picky eaters, overemphasizing a few familiar spiritual disciplines at the expense of anything new. Some of us would rather be spoon-fed than take ownership of our own spiritual growth. The season of Lent offers us an opportunity to examine our current spiritual diet as we prepare for Easter. Together we will explore six key ingredients for a healthy Christian life.
Week 1: A Prayer Deficiency
Topics: Spiritual Disciplines, Relationship with God, Authenticity
Week 2: A Simplicity Deficiency
Topics: Contentment, Stuff, Presence
Week 3: Ingredients from Our Students
Topics: Nature, Music, Hobbies

Have you ever discovered a band before they made it big? Or fell in love with a local restaurant before they became a franchise? Unfortunately, it is common that once something goes mainstream, it rarely stays the same. It loses its individuality, its distinctiveness…it loses what made it truly special. When it comes to the Christian faith, there are many positives to Christianity becoming a global-wide religion. It is hard to find anyone who hasn’t heard of Jesus. However, after a 2,000 year game of telephone, it is time to return to source. We are returning to the root. Join us as we seek to recover what sets us apart about the strange and unique teachings of our faith.
Week 1: New Years Dissolution
Topics: Vine and Branches, Strength, Reliance
Week 2: Rules to Live By
Topics: Grace, Faith, Discipline
Week 3: My Brother's Keeper
Topics: Community, Justice, Love
Week 4: Hope Always Wins
Topics: Hoping, Searching, Choosing
Week 5: Others First
Topics: Serving, Humility, Abundance
Week 6: Loving Our Enemies
Topics: Forgiveness, Radical, Justice
Week 7: Denying Ourselves
Topics: Sin, Addiction, Discipline
Week 8: Belonging, Belovedness, Becoming (Guest Preacher Keri Ladouceur)
Topics: Human, Body, Creation
Week 9: True Loyalty
Topics: Belonging, Inclusion, Love

One of the best things about Advent is the tone. We don’t cruise into Christmas with triumph and a rah-rah certainty that all is well. We begin by waiting—tired waiting—a feeling we know all too well. Waiting for the test results. Waiting for the phone call. Waiting for your kid to come back or the job offer to come through. Waiting for your parents to get better or finally apologize. Waiting for the family you longed for or that financial relief you desperately need. Waiting for prayers to be answered or community to be found. We are very familiar with waiting. But what do we do while we wait? Advent reminds us that while we wait for a future we can only glimpse now, we don’t just sit on the sidelines and twiddle our thumbs. While we wait for Christ to come, we don’t just squint at the light that is far away. The invitation of Advent is not only to wait for Jesus but to also work with him to build his Kingdom on earth. This Advent, we will explore the work of waiting. Together we will discover how the hope, peace, joy, and love we are waiting for are already in our midst when we tell the truth, practice compassion, rejoice in restoration, and work for justice in the world.
Week 1: What Is True Anymore?
Topics: Truth, Hope, Responsibility
Week 2: Who Deserves Compassion?
Topics: Peace, Self-Worth, Empathy
Week 3: Can I Live Again?
Topics: Joy, Restoration, Resurrection
Week 4: Magnified
Topics: Love, Justice, Kindness

Humans are limited. We only have so much time, energy, and capacity to give. We only have a few passions and spiritual gifts. We cannot be all things to all people. We know this deep down, yet many of us still struggle to say “no”, especially to the things we care about, or the things we think will give us life. This November, we will explore the importance of setting healthy boundaries in several areas of our lives so that we can live into the wisdom of Proverbs 4:23 – “guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”
Week 1: The News
Topics: Politics, Media, Christian Life
Week 2: Leaving Margin
Topics: Time, Energy, Passion
Week 3: Difficult People
Topics: Family, Conflict, Relationships

It can be tempting to move through life on “auto-pilot.” Without even thinking, we default to making decisions based on convenience, expedience, and instant gratification. However, what if that isn’t resulting in the life we want? What if this way of living isn’t leading, but keeping us from a truly meaningful life? The reality taught in Scripture is that the easy path and the right path are not always the same path. Join us this fall as we reassess the hopes, dreams, and goals we’ve set for our lives. And more importantly, are we using the right paths to get there?
Week 1: Humility over Vanity
Topics: Meaning, Purpose, God-Centered
Week 2: Stillness over Busyness
Topics: Simplification, Prioritization, Distractions
Week 3: Listening over Speaking
Topics: Attention, Relationships, Learning
Week 4: Generosity over Stinginess
Topics: Possessions, Purpose, Meaning
Week 5: Delayed Gratification
Topics: Waiting, Patience, Scripture
Week 6: Community over Isolation
Topics: Loneliness, Friendship, Christlike
Week 7: I Can Handle You (Baptism Sunday)
Topics: Baptism, God’s Love, Messy Life
Week 8: Love over Hate
Topics: Politics, Curiosity, Authenticity
Week 9: People Who the Light Shines Through (All Saints Sunday)
Topics: Remember, Role Models, Loved Ones

Let’s face it…sometimes the different areas of our life can be boring. Stagnancy and restlessness have a tendency to creep into our jobs, our relationships, even our faith life. However, boredom doesn’t have to mean that your joy is broken or lost forever. What if feeling discontent is actually a tool, a gift, a sign from God that something deeper, something better is waiting for you? What if there is still hope for that job or that relationship that used to bring you so much excitement and passion? This August, let’s revive the areas of our lives that have gone stale.
Week 1: Spiritual Staleness
Topics: Distraction, Static Faith, Revival
Week 2: Spiritual Staleness: Part Two
Topics: Healing, Patience, Change
Week 3: Professional Staleness
Topics: Work, Intentionality, Feeling Unfulfilled
Week 4: Less Is More
Topics: Possessions, Generosity, Simplify
Week 5: Relationship Staleness
Topics: Change, Desire, Marriage

We all know that you can learn a lot about God in church, through books, or in a classroom. However, another great place to encounter God’s presence is nature. Since we worship a God who is “over all, through all, and in all,” (Eph 4:6) creation can be one of our greatest, spiritual teachers…if we are willing to listen. If we are willing to pay attention. Which is why this summer, we are sending you on hikes, down to the beach, up to the mountains and to gaze upon the stars. We are going to learn things about God we never knew before. We are going to see God in ways we’ve never seen before. We are going to rediscover God…in the wild.
Week 1: The Earth Will Teach Us
Topics: Creation, Stillness, Nature
Week 2: Interconnection and Solidarity
Topics: Nature, Justice, Solidarity
Week 3: Sabbath Rest
Topics: Creation, Sabbath, Rest
Week 4: Spiritual Evolution
Topics: Creation, Growth, Change
Week 5: Cultivating Joy
Topics: Creation, Joy, Peace
Week 6: Spiritual Grit
Topics: Creation, Endurance, Resiliance
Week 7: Abandoning Our Anger
Topics: Creation, Enemies, Anger
Week 8: Rebounding After a Mistake
Topics: Rebuild, Relationships, Reconciliation
Week 9: Trusting God's Unseen Activity
Topics: Creation, Trust, Mystery

With every conflict, there are numerous possibilities. Possibilities to do harm. To sever a relationship. To create a rift you will never recover from. However, there is also a possibility for transformation. With some intentionality and divine guidance, there is a way to fight that is not only healthy, but faithful. The fact of the matter is conflict is pretty much unavoidable. So, how might God use the conflicts in our families, friendships, and workplace to change hearts and minds…especially our own. Join us as we search the scriptures looking for guidance, wisdom and tips for how to fight “good fights.”
Week 1: The Good Fight with Institutions
Topics: Institutions, Conflict, Justice
Week 2: The Good Fight with Friends and Romantic Partners
Topics: Conflict, Grace, Relationships
Week 3: The Good Fight with Coworkers
Topics: Conflict, Grace, Light
Week 4: The Good Fight with Children
Topics: Conflict, Parenting, Children
Week 5: The Good Fight with Enemies
Topics: Conflict, Enemies, Differences
Week 6: How Would Jesus Fight?
Topics: Conflict, Forgiveness, Redepmtion

Easter Season 2024, including Easter Sunday, Baptismal Sunday, and Youth Sunday.
Week 1: Easter Sunday
Topics: Easter, Resurrection, Belief
Week 2: The Inevitability of God (Baptism Sunday)
Topics: Baptism, Love, New Life
Week 3: Spiritual Gifts (Youth Sunday)
Topics: Discipleship, Service, Membership

Scripture is full of exemplary characters with faith we should emulate, but it’s also full of regular people just like you and me who struggle to trust that God will do what God says. Doubt is a normal part of every faith journey. In this series, we will explore moments of doubt from some of the most well-known Bible characters. We’ll ask questions like: why does doubt affect us all? How do we navigate seasons of doubt so that we can move forward in faith?
Week 1: Don't Forget
Topics: Doubt, Science, Remembrance
Week 2: Dealing with Self-Doubt
Topics: Self-Doubt, Identity, Calling
Week 3: Doubt Is Quite Revealing
Topics: Doubt, Discipline, Control
Week 4: Denying Our Doubt
Topics: Doubt, Trust, Questioning
Week 5: I Am Judas
Topics: Doubt, Judas, Betrayal
Week 6: Salvation I Didn't Request (Palm Sunday)
Topics: Palm Sunday, Salvation, Holy Week

We’ve all been there. You made a request of God only to have it go unanswered. Or perhaps it was answered in a way that you never anticipated. Expectations can be tricky. Especially when it comes to the miraculous, what kind of expectations can we have of God? What can we anticipate when we need God to intervene in our lives? In this series, we take a look at the miracles of scripture to better understand not only what happened back then, but what kind of help we can expect from God today.
Week 1: God's Help
Topics: Miracles, Intervention, Help
Week 2: God's Healing
Topics: Healing, Miracles, Intervention
Week 3: Answering Our Own Prayers
Topics: Miracles, Serve, Hunger
Week 4: Our Provider
Topics: Miracles, Provision, Prayer
Week 5: Our Protector
Topics: Miracles, Protection, Suffering
Week 6: Our Guide
Topics: Miracles, Guidance, Direction

Often when we talk about Advent, we notice how many surprising things happen during this season. The Messiah comes in a manner unlike what anyone expected. Yet, for all of the surprises of Advent, it’s also exactly what God said God would do. God promised that a Messiah would come, that reconciliation would be possible, that sin and death would not have the last word. As we wait for Christ to come again and set the world aright once and for all, we may be asking the same questions that the Israelites were asking before Jesus was born: can we really trust God’s word? Will God actually fulfill these promises? What are we supposed to do while we wait for them to be fulfilled? During Advent, we’ll explore the promises God already fulfilled during the first Christmas, and how those promises still apply to us today. We’ll focus on how we can trust God to fulfill the promise of hope, peace, joy, and love, even if things aren’t going the way we expected.
Week 1: Belief or Trust
Topics: Witness, Faith, Trust
Week 2: Grieving Well
Topics: Grief, Loss, Peace
Week 3: Not Happy
Topics: Joy, Happiness, Discipline
Week 4: Love in Correct Order
Topics: Love, Incarnation, Marriage

All throughout scripture, God calls his followers to be different. The Bible calls us to be “holy,” “chosen,” and “set apart.” However, this was not different in a superior way. Rather, God wants us to live differently so as to be a light and an example to the nations. One place where we are called to be different is in our relationships. During this series, we will examine what scripture has to say about our romantic partnerships, our parenting, our family and our friends. We will re-examine whether or not our lives align with these teachings; and furthermore, we will work to be an example to others for what faithful relationships can look like.
Week 1: God-Centered Relationships
Topics: Relationships, Marriage, Love
Week 2: Parenting (Interview with Art Eddy)
Topics: Parenting, Relationships, Learning
Week 3: Godly Boundaries
Topics: Relationships, Family, Boundaries

Let’s face it…some stories in the Old Testament can be hard to understand. Furthermore, they can be really hard to reconcile with the loving, merciful, compassionate God we find in Jesus. For some, the Old Testament is not just confusing, but an obstacle to Christian faith altogether. In this series, we explore the book of Leviticus – arguably one of the toughest books of the Bible. During which, we will ask questions like: is this what God is really like? Is there something we are not seeing? When we compare this God to that of the New Testament, was it God or our picture of God that changed after Jesus came? Join us to find out!
Week 1: FOR or WITH God
Topics: Rules, Law, Faith
Week 2: Kingdom Justice
Topics: Justice, Service, Law
Week 3: Christian Rules
Topics: Sacrifice, Rules, Right and Wrong
Week 4: Am I Really Forgiven?
Topics: Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Salvation
Week 5: Seeing Underwater (Baptism Sunday)
Topics: Baptism, New Life, Faithfulness

Whether you like it or not, technology is here to stay. Furthermore, an increasing amount of our lives are happening online. Just like with anything new, this reality is having both a positive and a negative affect on our health, our happiness, even our faith. This month, we will return to the book of Proverbs to consult with the voice of Wisdom. We will listen for what wisdom has to tell us about how we can use technology in ways that benefit our lives, rather than harming our connection to others, to God, and to ourselves.
Week 1: The Approval Game
Topics: Living, Love, Presence
Week 2: Interview with Eric Chancy
Topics: Responsibility, Witness, Focus
Week 3: Fighting for Contentment
Topics: Contentment, Wisdom, Peace

Every once in a while, our lives need some realignment. Maybe we got busy, maybe we experienced suffering, or maybe for no reason at all…we stopped making time for what matters most. As Christians, there are five historical practices that symbolize a fully devoted and well-balanced faith. As summer draws to a close and we re-engage rhythms of everyday life, we invite you to recommit to the type of faith that can transform not just you, but the world.
Week 1: Are you witnessing?
Topics: Evangelism, Invite, Church
Week 2: Are you present?
Topics: Worship, Church, Present
Week 3: Are You Praying?
Topics: Prayer, Discipline, Spiritual Practices
Week 4: Are You Generous?
Topics: Generosity, Giving, Gifts
Week 5: Are You Serving?
Topics: Service, Engagement, Church

One could argue that one of the most influential forces on kids these days is none other than the magical world of Disney. Whether that is by way of movies, television or visits to their theme parks/cruises this summer, most of us either have or will be impacted by the magic of their creations. Furthermore, upon closer inspection, you’ll find that many of the things we love most about Disney are how their stories teach, inform, and shape our imagination of ourselves, the world…and at closer look…God. This summer, we will explore many of the themes found in Disney films to remind or even illuminate aspects of our faith. Let’s discover this whole new world together!
Week 1: Finding Your Calling
Topics: Calling, Identity, Gifts
Week 2: A Friend Like Me
Topics: Friendship, Relationships, Care
Week 3: Second Chances
Topics: Redemption, Starting Over, Grace
Week 4: Fresh Starts
Topics: Loss, Guilt, Starting Over
Week 5: Mental Health
Topics: Depression, Anxiety, Mind
Week 6: Saved by Grace
Topics: Salvation, Grace, Works
Week 7: New Pastor Interview
Special Introduction to new Associate Pastor, Katie Distefano!
Week 8: Did you help?
Topics: Works, Neighbors, Service
Week 9: Generational Curses
Topics: Trauma, Family, Freedom
Week 10: Heavenly Minded
Topics: Heaven, Afterlife, Earth

Prayer isn’t merely where we make requests of God. Prayer is where we make ourselves available to God. It is how we make ourselves available to God’s direction, transformation, and service to the world. This series is an honest admission that sometimes you need to be careful what you ask for. Maybe the reason why we struggle to pray is not because we are afraid there won’t be an answer, but what if there is?
Week 1: Your Will (Easter '23)
Topics: Resurrection, Salvation, Plans
Week 2: Teach Me Truth
Topics: Knowledge, Understanding, True
Week 3: Give Us Daily Bread
Topics: Provision, Needs, Trust
Week 4: Forgive as We Forgive
Topics: Forgiveness, Grace, Reconciliation
Week 5: Lead Us Not Into Temptation
Topics: Lord’s Prayer, Temptation, Sin
Week 6: Make Us Bold
Topics: Boldness, Faith, Courage
Week 7: Send Me
Topics: Obedience, Faith, Future
Week 8: Pentecost Sunday
Topics: Holy Spirit, Church, Mission

It has long been said that we must get to know ourselves if we want to get to know our God. What if the secret to better understanding Jesus is hidden within each and every one of us? What if the path to discovering the divine starts with a journey inward? Over the years, there have been many tools designed for this very task. Tools developed to help us better understand our personality and our hardwiring as human beings. One of the oldest and long-standing is called the Enneagram. This Lent, we will use the Enneagram to explore the nine different personality types asking a very simple question: What does my identity reveal about the character of God?
Week 1: What is the Enneagram?
Topics: Enneagram, Identity, Personality
Week 2: With all your MIND
Topics: Knowledge, Understanding, Belief
Week 3: With all your GUT
Topics: Intuition, Instincts, Direction
Week 4: With all your HEART
Topics: Emotions, Feelings, Helping
Week 5: Guest Interview with Susan Graebe
Special interview with Enneagram coach and consultant, Susan Graebe.
Week 6: Baptism Sunday
Topics: Baptism, Love, Salvation

A recent study found that over 52% of Americans live within suburban neighborhoods. Over half of our country has opted for a life of white picket fences, soccer practice, and golden retrievers. For good reason too! The suburbs possess numerous amenities that make life not only easier, but more enjoyable. However, just like any community on this side of heaven, there are things about the suburbs that are not only conducive, but obstructive to the Christian life. In 2023, we are going to explore this unique context we are inhabiting. Further, we hope to rediscover what it looks like to be a faithful disciple where we live, work, and play.
Week 1: What's your story?
Topics: Calling, Identity, Mission
Week 2: Burnout
Topics: Commitments, Responsibility, Balance
Week 3: The Nuclear Family
Topics: Family, Relationships, Purpose
Week 4: The Gospel of Knowing
Topics: Knowledge, Understanding, Truth
Week 5: Spiritual Safety
Topics: Fear, Belief, Faith
Week 6: Consumer Christianity
Topics: Consumerism, Works, Gifts

It can be all too easy to fall into patterns and habits in our daily lives, especially in the midst of all the chaos and violence that surrounds us in the world. This year has brought to all of us news of war, natural disasters, polarization, financial struggle, and uncertainty… and that doesn’t include all of our personal struggles and challenges. Our response can often be to shut down, or to return to old ways of thinking, acting, or living that keep us safe and protect our hearts. This is the old way, and the old way isn’t working any longer. But this season of Advent, the new year of the church calendar, invites us into new ways of being… Through the Incarnation, God is making a new way through this wilderness to a promised land that will be better than anything we could ask for or imagine.
Week 1: The Way of Peace
Topics: Peace, Shalom, Reconciliation
Week 2: The Way to Being Human
Topics: Humility, Truth, Justice
Week 3: The Way of Waiting
Topics: Patience, Trust, Faith
Week 4: The Way of Hope
Topics: Faith, Belief, Trust

We know that with any type of change, there is loss. And with any type of loss, there is grief. Unfortunately, not many of us make the time to grieve. We bury our pain in work, busyness, distractions, and even positive cliches. However, the reality is until we process our pain, it maintains power over our mindset, our emotions, and our actions. Grief is not only something we feel, it is something we do. It is a practice, a spiritual exercise in fact, for learning how to rely upon the strength of God to accept life’s losses and continue moving forward. In the wake of a global pandemic and in preparation for the holidays, join us for a brief series discussing how we might heal, rather than hide, life’s losses.
Week 1: People We Lost
Topics: Grief, Loss, Death
Week 2: Dreams We Lost
Topics: Grief, Loss, Job
Week 3: Gratitude vs Grief
Topics: Positivity, Grateful, Belief

What if there was a tool designed to help you measure spiritual growth? What if there were stages and level to spiritual progress? Actually, there is! For centuries, theologians have created their own ordo salutis (“order of salvation”) so as to help Christians know where they are in faith, what they need to do, and what is next in this pilgrimage toward the person Christ has called us to be! During this series, we will not only help you find this tool using ordofaith.com, but we will also explain each stage in detail so that you can better assess your own, personal spiritual development!
The Good Fight with Institutions
Topics: Institutions, Conflict, Justice

Musicians are oftentimes some of the best truth-tellers. Songs have a way of capturing so much of the human experience. During this series, join us as we dig into a handful of different genres, while asking the question: what is God saying to us through these artists?
Week 1: Pop + Love
Topics: Love, Relationships, Marriage
Week 2: Hip Hop + Dignity
Topics: Justice, Race, Equality
Week 3: Oldies + Wisdom
Topics: Wisdom, Direction, Guidance
Week 4: Punk Rock + Anger
Topics: Righteous Anger, Justice, Emotions
Week 5: Classical + Rest
Topics: Sabbath, Rest, Center

We often find ourselves wondering about what Jesus would say about some of our more modern discussions, issues, or questions. First century Jewish Jesus sometimes seems so distant and hard to understand. But as Christians, we believe God – through Jesus who is the Word and through the Holy Spirit – is constantly speaking to us and to our world. A substantial part of our work together is our translation, our interpretation of the words of Jesus. We’ll be asking that question all summer long to discover what Jesus really is saying to us today.
Week 1: Are we listening?
Topics: Prayer, Discernment, God’s Voice
Week 2: To His LGBTQ Children
Topics: Human Sexuality, LGBTQ, Bible
Week 3: About Our Busyness
Topics: Schedules, Rest, Balance
Week 4: About Faith and Science
Topics: Reason, Logic, Brain
Week 5: About Mental Health
Topics: Mind, Depression, Anxiety
Week 6: About Social Media
Topics: Technology, Facebook, Instagram
Week 7: About Money
Topics: Heart, Priorities, Treasure
Week 8: To Our Church
Topics: Church, Mission, Vision