Do you want to know what The Peak is all about?
We’ve gathered some web pages & sermons that should give you a good picture of the type of church we are.
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What would Jesus say about the LGBTQ+ Community?
Matthew 19:10-12
There are people who use the Bible to justify their disapproval and even hatred of the LGBTQ+ community. But, what does the original Greek text say about this issue?
Who will be Saved?
John 10:11-16
Jesus has followers we don’t know about or have a tendency to write off. It is both challenging and inspiring to realize God’s love is far bigger and much more expansive than ours.
A Biblical Case for Inclusion
Acts 10:9-16,34-36
The Gospels are clear that the only thing Jesus excludes is exclusion itself. We must welcome all people just as Jesus did.
Aligning Amidst our Differences
Acts 15:22-29
Our racial, theological, and political differences are not a threat, but a gift. Thus, we must seek to be diverse in thought and opinion. We must be more devoted to being whole than being right.
Mental Illness and Suicide
Psalm 13:1-6
Struggling with mental illness or contemplating suicide does not mean that you lack faith. We want to be a community that offers help and resources, but also provides a safe place for you to struggle without stigma.
Discussion on Divorce
Matthew 5:31-32
There has been a lot of misunderstanding as to what the Bible says about divorce and what those passages actually mean. In the end, God’s primary concern is people, not an institution. While divorce is certainly not God’s ideal, there are times when it is the best way forward given particular circumstances.
Discussion on Race
Mark 12:31
Race is a scriptural issue. Mark 12:31 says “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It’s also a Methodist issue; to become a member of the United Methodist Church, you have to assert that you resist evil, injustice and oppression. Race is all three of those things.