Meet our Children’s Ministry Director!

Caroline Schmelzer
Children's Ministry Director
Caroline Schmelzer came on staff in the fall of 2020. With two kids of her own, she has a deep passion for supporting families in their spiritual formation. Outside of church, Caroline is also a fitness and Zumba instructor! If you have any questions about our children’s ministry, don’t hesitate to reach out to Caroline at caroline@thepeakchurch.org!
What happens on Sunday mornings?
The Peak’s Nursery serves infants through 2 years of age. At least one Nursery Staff and one trained volunteer leader are always in our Nursery and actively engage children in imaginative play, books, music, and more! Nursery Staff hold additional certifications and assist with diapers or going to the potty, as needed.

Stepping Stones Toddlers
Our Toddlers class is for children ages two through three. At least one Nursery Staff and one trained leader are in our Stepping Stones class. Children will watch an engaging video which includes catchy music and an age-appropriate bible story. Nursery Staff lead children through a follow-up activity discussing the bible story. Children also have plenty of time for imaginative play, books, and more! Nursery Staff hold additional certifications and assist with diapers or going to the potty, as needed.
Foot Hills
Children ages four through five and/or in preschool attend our Foot Hills class! At least one trained volunteer leads children through an engaging video, which includes catchy music, an age-appropriate bible story, and a monthly memory verse. Children also receive plenty of time for games, imaginative play, and more!

Base Camp Kids
Our Base Camp Kids Class is for children in Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades and is more structured than our younger classes. Trained leaders engage children in age-appropriate games and activities to make bible stories come alive and help children relate the bible story to their own life. Each month our Base Camp Kids participate in a discussion about communion and have the option to receive. Please see this link for more information about our Base Camp Kids class.
Base Camp Preteens
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade children attend our Base Camp Preteens class. In addition to age-appropriate games, activities, and bible stories, this class participates in our Preteen Bible Reading Plan. Children are presented with a plan that corresponds with each week’s lesson and they are challenged to do weekly reading at home. Each month our Base Camp Preteens join our Base Camp Kids for a discussion about communion. Preteens have the option to serve and receive communion.

Preteen Bibles

It is a tradition in the United Methodist Church to present third graders with a Bible.
And, we think the Bible we’ve chosen is pretty special! The CEB Deep Blue Kids Bible, Celebrate Wonder Edition is written in straightforward language that children can understand. This version follows three characters as they journey through the Bible and learn what it means in their lives. Our third, fourth and fifth graders have a reading plan that they follow throughout the school year to prepare them for the coming Sunday. The 2024-2025 plan will begin on August 18 and can be found here.
Video Curriculum

In the event you are traveling or watching the live stream from home, our children’s ministry videos are available online!
Simply click the link below and select the age appropriate video. Each lesson is published by our ministry partner, Orange Group, who does a fantastic job of making sure each lesson is fun, interactive, and foundational to discipling our children.
The link for all online children’s ministry curriculum videos can be found here.