We believe in a Church where everyone is fully included and affirmed in what God is doing.
We take seriously the lesson of Acts 10 where the Spirit revealed to Peter that God possesses no favoritism and that nothing God has made should be called unclean. In Acts 10, verses 34-35, it is written: “Peter said, ‘I really am learning that God doesn’t show partiality to one group of people over another. Rather, in every nation, whoever worships him and does what is right is acceptable to him.'” And, in Romans 10, verse 11, Paul writes, “The scripture says, ‘All who have faith in him won’t be put to shame.'” It is through these verses and others that we believe we are acting as God desires us to. As we frequently say, we would rather be found too generous with God’s grace and hospitality, rather than not enough.

Keep scrolling for inclusive and affirming groups, sermon podcasts, resources and a search engine to find a church near you.
Groups for LGBTQ+ Christians and their Allies

Queerly Beloved
If you are an LGBTQ+ Christian looking for community with other LGBTQ+ Christians, Queerly Beloved is the group for you! The Peak is an inclusive and affirming church in Apex, NC. Our LGBTQ+ members told us they would appreciate a group specifically dedicated to connecting with other LGBTQ+ folks, and thus “Queerly Beloved” was born!

Reconciliation Alliance of Wake County
The Reconciliation Alliance of Wake County is a community group that exists to connect LGBTQ+ Christians and their strong allies in and around Wake County in order to create safe space to connect, learn, and grow together. Our hope is to offer real community where we can bring our full selves to the table to discuss matters of life and faith. We meet monthly for connection, community, and advocacy.
The following sermons discuss how we believe the LGBTQ+ community fits into Christianity.
What would Jesus say about the LGBTQ+ Community?
Matthew 19:10-12
There are people who use the Bible to justify their disapproval and even hatred of the LGBTQ+ community. But, what does the original Greek text say about this issue?
A Biblical Case for Inclusion
Acts 10:9-16,34-36
The Gospels are clear that the only thing Jesus excludes is exclusion itself. We must welcome all people just as Jesus did.
Books for Everyone:
What does the Bible say about Homosexuality? UnClobber explores the Clobber Passages and wrestles with being gay and being a Christian, and what the Bible truly says about homosexuality.
A fresh, deeply biblical account of God’s expanding grace and mercy, developing a theological framework for the full inclusion of LGBTQ people in Christian communities
Discussions of the Bible and human sexuality often focus on a scattered handful of specific passages. But arguments about this same set of verses have reached an impasse, two leading biblical scholars believe; these debates are missing the forest for the trees.
In this learned and beautifully written book, Richard and Christopher Hays explore a more expansive way of listening to the overarching story that scripture tells. They remind us of a dynamic and gracious God who is willing to change his mind, consistently broadening his grace to include more and more people. Those who were once outsiders find themselves surprisingly embraced within the people of God, while those who sought to enforce exclusive boundaries are challenged to rethink their understanding of God’s ways.
Devotions for LGBTQ+ Adults and Teens
Called Out: 100 Devotions for LGBTQ+ Christians
The experience of growing up “different,” coming out in a disapproving environment, having one’s identity and relationships questioned or downright rejected shapes the faith of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer Christians in ways those outside the community cannot fully understand. LGBTQ Christians need spiritual resources that speak to the unique joys and challenges of their journey.
E. Carrington Heath offers one hundred devotions on such topics as authenticity, coming out, relationships, chosen family, religious trauma, and more to nurture the faith of our LGBTQ siblings and help friends, family, and allies grow in understanding and faith.
Fully affirming of all, sensitive to the diversity of the entire LGBTQ community, and backed by theological depth, these devotions will lift the reader up and empower them for the work of transforming the world.
Are you LGBTQ+? Not sure? Whether you’re queer or questioning, understanding sexuality and gender identity can be confusing. And if you’re a Christian, questions of identity can be even scarier. Is there something wrong with you? Will your friends accept you? When should you tell your family? What about church?
Queerfully and Wonderfully Made: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Christian Teens has answers to all these questions and more. You’ll get insight and support from an amazing group of LGBTQ+ professionals, as well as testimonies from young adult queer Christians who’ve recently been exactly where you are. You’ll walk away with a lot of answers, prepared with tools to help. But most importantly, you’ll hear the good news: God loves you exactly as you are. No matter your identity or where in your journey of self-discovery you find yourself, you got this.
Books for Adults to Read with Children
A Kids Book About Gender
Gender can be a complicated topic to know how to discuss with kids. This installment of the A Kids Book About series helps adults begin to discuss this topic with the children in their lives and opens the floor for questions and discussion.

Want to find an inclusive and affirming church?
If you don’t live near us,
please use GayChurch.org to find a safe space near you.