The Peak Church, the Apex UMC Family of Faith and the NC Conference of the United Methodist Church are committed to working toward racial equity.
Below are information and resources regarding our efforts.
Racial Equity Bridge Team
In 2019, the Apex UMC Family of Faith created a Racial Equity Bridge Team made up of representatives from each campus. Their goal is to amplify the voice of non-white brothers and sisters within and beyond our walls in all matters that impact our congregations. This includes guiding, educating, coordinating and providing accountability within our congregations to proactively dismantle racism.
Our team, made up of members from each of our campuses, believes that our Parish can embody a vision where racism and all forms of discrimination, bigotry and prejudice will be replaced by an all-inclusive spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood.
Please consider using the prayer below (provided in English and Spanish) to help guide your prayers in the coming days and weeks.
To support the work of our team or learn more, contact us at rebt@apexumcfamily.org.
How You Can Help End Racial Injustice
The recent death of George Floyd, as well as other incidences of racial injustice, have many people looking for ways they can be helpful in ending such injustices. We have resources available for anyone who wants to learn more and figure out their place in this movement. First, the linked document below includes books to read, podcasts to listen to, materials for children and more.