welcome :: The Peak began with a heart for those who were raised in faith as well as those who weren’t. Those who are firm in their beliefs and those who are still figuring them out. Our church is one that welcomes your questions and your doubts, and we want to journey alongside you as you seek to center your life around Jesus. 

get connected :: If you are new and would like to get connected, or you would like to submit a prayer request, use this form.

realm :: Realm is the online platform for all things Peak. It serves as our calendar, registration platform, giving platform, member directory and more. It is an incredibly helpful tool that we know you will want to be a part of. Need an account? Email julie@thepeakchurch.org.

enews :: Make sure you are signed up for our weekly newsletter.

request prayer or care :: Submit your request at ThePeakChurch.org/care and someone will get in touch quickly!
give :: If The Peak is your church home, please consider making a gift to support our mission and ministry.

  • Online Giving: Via bank draft, debit card or credit card here.
  • Text to Give: Text the following to 73256: ThePeak $Amount
  • Checks: Drop them in our offering boxes or mail them to The Peak Church, 1200 N Salem Street, Apex, NC 27502. They will be delivered to our locked mailbox.

*Note about Text to Give: Messages and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Text HELP to 73256 for help. Text STOP to 73256 to cancel.

scripture :: Romans 1:16-17

I’m not ashamed of the gospel: it is God’s own power for salvation to all who have faith in God, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. God’s righteousness is being revealed in the gospel, from faithfulness for faith, as it is written, The righteous person will live by faith.

sermon :: True Loyalty

Final Trait: When forced to choose, Christians are more loyal to __________ than any group or brand of faith.

Brands of Christianity:

–       Fundamentalist Brand:

–       Evangelical Brand:

–       “Christian Light: Brand:

Unashamed Reformation Requires…

  1. Get/Stay in the ___________
  2. Lead with your ___________
  3. Use the ________ Filter
  4. Confront with _________, ___________, and __________
  5. ________ and ________ the faithful voices of our time


Fitting In (def): Changing ________ in order to be accepted

Belonging (def): Being __________ for who you are

news and events ::

For a full list of news and events, check out ThePeakChurch.org/News-Events.

Ash Wednesday // March 5.

  • Ashes to Go // 6:30-9:30 am // The Peak’s Parking Lot. Get your Ash Wednesday ashes on the way to work or school. Simply drive through our parking lot and you will be prayed over and given ashes.
  • Service // 7:00 pm. Join us for a service to mark the beginning of the season of Lent.

Men’s Ministry Poker Night // Tuesday, March 11 // 7-9 pm // The Peak. Join our Men’s Ministry for a Poker Night! This is a FREE event and NO money will exchange hands. We’ll provide snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. Register Here.

Habitat for Humanity // Saturdays, March 15 and 22. Join other Peak members for a Habitat build in Knightdale. No building experience is necessary and tools are provided. Register at least two weeks in advance if possible to help with planning. Spots are limited to 7, so if interest please register soon. If you have questions, you can contact Phil Welch (p2twelch@gmail.com) and/or John Nance (nancejohn54@yahoo.com).

  • March 15 – 213 Flowers St., Knightdale
  • March 22 – 4425 Dedication Dr., Raleigh

Register for either event here.

Women+Together // Sunday, March 16 // 3-5 pm // The Peak’s Sanctuary. In a world filled with uncertainty and division, it’s easy for fear to take root. But what if we could transform that fear into faith, living boldly and grounded in love? Join us for an interactive workshop where we’ll explore the deep strength found in God’s love and discover practices that will help us remain grounded in His love—rather than in fear. Register Here.

Queerly Beloved Social Hangout // Sunday, March 16 // 2-4 pm // Games & Geekery Tavern, Cary. Hang out with members of our LGBTQ+ community. Register Here.

youth :: Sunday School (aka, Youth Breakfast Club) for our middle through high school students is held in the conference room during the 9:45 and 11:15 services.

Youth Group is on Sunday nights from 6:30-8 pm. Expect snacks, games, large group bible study, small group conversations and prayer. Email us if you are a youth who wants to be included!